Today I decided to leave off...the week and day...on the title. It doesn't fit well with the mental attitude that I'm trying to embrace! I don't want to look back or be constantly reminded of that day, therefore it will now be titled Job Search. I desire, want, crave, hope and any other adjective you can come up look at this layoff as an opportunity...not as a misfortune. I need to say this to get it out of my system:
Bay Controls Inc. stinks as a company!I need not say more...Thank You Jesus...for saving me! Today..I managed to get one resume ready to send...MLK mail! Filed for this weeks weekly benefits, and signed up for a Veterans Job Search Workshop in February all done on the web.

Finished reading "All Quiet on the Western Front", walked...but cold as heck...and did one maze puzzle..ate light..all in a effort to regain my concentration and my dignity.
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