Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Depression....Get Help..!

Several people I love suffer from a devastating disease called depression. Some of the most recognized symptoms of depression include a profound feeling of sadness or loss of interest. If you've been experiencing some combination of the following emotional or physical symptoms for more than two weeks, and it clearly interferes with your life, discuss your concerns with your doctor:

Excessive or inappropriate feelings of guilt
Sadness throughout the day, nearly every day
Loss of interest in or enjoyment of your favorite activities
Feeling of worthlessness
Trouble making decisions
Fatigue or lack of energy
Sleeping too much or too little
Change in appetite or weight
Trouble concentrating
Thoughts of death or suicide
Aches and pains

It's important to seek medical help if you think you are depressed because there are treatments and therapies available to help with the symptoms of depression.

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